Eat Apples… For your Health

Apples help boost Brain Power!

It’s no secret that people who are the healthiest among us enjoy a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Health experts everywhere agree that we should be eating more for our better health. Over the years research has shown us that some foods can help prevent heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure, and a wide variety of other more minor ailments. Now, health experts are finding that some of these “Superfoods” can even increase brainpower. There is a whole category of “Brain Food”. Pretty cool right! Continue reading

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats

If you ever get time to visit Pinterest you have probably see Overnight Oats. Delicious and healthy morning breakfast ideas, made at night to enjoy in the morning. Simply layer 1/2 cup of Quaker Old Fashioned Oats and 1/2 cup of low-fat milk or juice, that will do the trick and the rest is just whatever else you want to eat with your oatmeal in the morning. Below are four delicious Overnight Oats recipes for you to try. Give ’em a shot and let us know what you think, or let us know what other combinations you have tried and enjoyed.

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Healthy Tips for Potluck!

pot-luck I noun I a meal to which everyone who is invited brings food to share

Potlucks are great anytime of the year, but they tend to be more popular this time of year as we have more gatherings with friends and family for the holidays and football games. Potlucks are popular because not only is it a lot less work for the host, but it provides a wide variety of foods for everyone to try! In my family, potlucks are a must. I have a large family, so large in fact that we have to rent out a community room or an external space to host our family gatherings because we don’t fit in our own houses anymore! But, no matter where we spend our holidays, food is always at the top of mind.

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Slow Cooker Quinoa

Slow Cooker Quinoa -

A Natural Approach with Cheryl -


I’ve thought a lot about this blog. Slow Cooker Quinoa has kind of had me stumped.

Quinoa was the subject of my first blog over two years ago. I didn’t want to go down that same research based path again. I’ve already told you about its origins and stellar nutritious powers. Also, I don’t do a whole lot of crock pot cooking anymore. Crock pots and slow cookers are a great appliance when preparing food for families and pot lucks. Cooking for one and crock pots don’t really go together.

I have a small 1.5 quart crock pot that is a pretty, bright yellow, so I pulled it out and set it on my kitchen counter hoping its cheery look would inspire me. It didn’t. So I left. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday in October with temperatures hitting the low seventies, not a day to be inside making up recipes. Also it was a perfect day to work on my biggest project.

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Pumpkin Dip

Pumpkin Dip

Pumpkin Dip

If Fall is in the air, that means it’s time to enjoy this tasty Pumpkin Dip! It’s quick, easy and makes the perfect Fall treat! Our dietitians are adding new recipes all the time, so check out our Dietitians Choice Recipes page for all their latest recipes!

Shop from the comfort of your home! You can shop online at any of our proud family of stores for these recipe ingredients as well as the rest of your grocery list! We offer curbside pick up at all locations and delivery in select locations as well. Don’t forget to connect your MORE Rewards account when you shop online for extra savings, digital coupons, and many other rewards too!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower Pizza Crust - Family, Friends & Food with Jayne


When cauliflower pizza crust first started making its way around Pinterest and magazines I blew off the idea because I thought they were nuts. How could you take a plain ordinary vegetable as a substitution for that wonderful yummy crust that we all love and crave? But I keep hearing and seeing reviews on how it is such a big hit when making homemade pizzas that I became intrigued with it and could no longer ignore it. Continue reading