Tags: hummus
3 Ways to Enjoy Lantana Hummus
Hi Everyone!
I’m always looking for new recipes, new ideas and new products and I just have to tell you there is a new hummus in town. It’s called Lantana and it is so scrumptious. It comes in a variety of flavors and I have some great ideas for you to create when using hummus. Continue reading
Holy Aioli!
I love garlic, and want to put it on everything. All my dreams came true when I discovered the magical world of aioli. If you were curious, aioli is basically just a fancy way of saying mayonnaise — generally they are egg based. If you’re opposed to the thought of consuming raw eggs, have I got a recipe for you!
Hummus: A Healthy Snack for a Busy Life
As my son, Alex, and I sat in a bustling auditorium waiting for my granddaughter’s spring program to begin, I mentioned that I needed a subject for this blog. His immediate response, “Hummus! I eat it every day, it’s an easy go-to snack.”
Alex’s life is one of the busiest I know of. He goes to school in St. Paul during the day, works as a bartender in a high end restaurant downtown Minneapolis at night, drives his daughter to school in Roseville, plays Lego’s with his son at home in Lino Lakes and his wife is exactly nine months pregnant with their third child. If he finds hummus an easy, go-to snack I believe him! Continue reading