Tags: Kale
Grilled Garlicky Kale Portobello Pizzas
Fennel Pasta with Kale Pesto
Vegan Living – It’s More Than Just Kale
My career in Natural Foods is something that I happily, however accidentally, fell into, but the trend has been a part of my lifestyle for a little over 10 years. Starting in high school I decided the treatment of animals was important to me and quickly adapted to a vegan food diet. For some, a diet like this which ignores all meats (yes, this includes chicken AND fish), all dairy products, eggs, gelatin and for some, honey, sounds difficult to adhere to, and let me tell you 10-15 years ago it wasn’t easy finding a simple vegan meal in a grocery store and the big food holidays required a lot of creativity. In the last 5 years, the vegan food trend has blown up and plant-based foods have become as common as ice in a freezer. Continue reading
Meal Easy
Introducing our new meal solution with wide variety of easy, quick and fresh meals. Continue reading
Gotta Love A Granny Smith
Granny Smith apples are one of the most deliciously versatile apples the world have ever known! Kids love them fresh out of hand (Not to mention covered in caramel candy) while chefs and bakers love their citrus tart flavor, which is ideal for a wide variety of recipes. They are not only tasty but they are quite the social apple. According to our research, there are more people tweeting about Granny Smiths than any other variety! Continue reading
Quick and Easy Fall Salads
Fall has arrived and with fall comes all my favorite food. One of my favorites is fresh salads and I have got a couple that I want to share with you. When I think of fresh salads for the fall I think of cranberries and any kind of dried fruit along with a variety of nuts. I love trying in new recipes along with all of falls bountiful harvests. Continue reading
Souped Up

Fall is just around the corner, so when the weather gets colder meals get cozier! One of my favorite cozy night-in soups is my own take on Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana! Loaded with garlic and potatoes, you can’t go wrong with this delicious recipe.