We all have waited for Spring and with Easter coming I thought I would do a few crafts using Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls. We all have the empty rolls so why not have some fun and use them.
Upcycled Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder
This bird feeder is a great reuse of empty Fiora Toilet Rolls and is simple enough for even kids to make!
You will need
- Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls
- Peanut Butter
- Knife
- Plate
- Birdseed
- Yarn or Ribbon
- Spread peanut butter over the outside of the cardboard tube as if you were icing a cake. You’ll want enough for the seed to stick well.
- Pour the seed onto a plate and roll the tube around, pressing the seeds in as you go.
- After a few minutes, re-roll the tubes so that any empty spaces where seeds have dropped can be filled in.
- Thread one yard of yarn or ribbon through the opening of the roll and tie the top.
- Hang it in a tree and watch the birds come to eat.
Upcycled Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Roll Easter Egg Display
Blown Eggs
You will need
- 1 Dozen Eggs
- 1 Sharp Pin
- 1 Piece of Wire
- Make a small hole in the top & bottom of an egg by sticking a pin in each end
- Remove the pin
- Poke a wire into one of the small holes and stir it around to break up the egg yolk inside the egg
- After removing the wire, blow into the top hole and the insides of the egg should come out the bottom hole which is a little bigger
Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Egg Holders
You will need
- 1 Dozen Toilet Paper and/or Toilet Paper Rolls
- Gold Spray Paint
- Scissors
- Cut the Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls different sizes
- Spray paint rolls gold
- Arranged decorated eggs on top
- Add Easter grass
Egg Decorating Ideas
Dotted Heart Egg
- Use heart shaped stickers and place them around your egg
- Using a fine tip marker dot around the stickers
- Remove stickers to reveal heart shapes
Silk Tie Eggs
- Use silk ties to transfer the tie designs onto the egg shells
- Dip the swatch of tie into water so it sticks to the egg
- Wrap swatch around the egg
- Wrap a layer of cheese cloth around the tie and secure with rubber bands.
- Boil the eggs in water and vinegar, and cool
- Remove bands, cheese cloth and ties to reveal their unique designs
Marker Designs
Simply grab some markers and get to work to create these beautiful eggs.
Water color
Use a watercolor pen & markers to make a one-of-a-kind landscape.
Grab those craft paints and brushes and create beautiful floral designs on your egg.
Upcycled Toilet Paper Roll Easter Surprise Poppers
This is so easy and fun to make for the grandchildren. The kids love finding these surprises in the yard along with their Easter Eggs. I assign each grandchild a certain color and I put their names on the surprise poppers so then they all get the same amount … and, hopefully, no fighting!
You will need
- Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls
- Scissors
- Wrapping Paper or Construction Paper
- Ribbon
- Candy and/or Trinkets
- Cut a Fiora Toilet Paper Roll in half
- Cover the 2 pieces together (end to end) with wrapping or construction paper
- Secure one end with colorful ribbon
- Fill from the other end with playful prizes like candy or trinkets, gum, stickers, money
- Secure the open end with an additional piece of ribbon
- To find the fun inside, twist and pull at both ends to crack open the surprise!
Upcycled Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Roll Cord Wraps
These are so easy and so useful. How many things in your house have a cord? Iron, blow dryer, electric knife, toaster, phone devices, electrical cords, heaters, fans, sewing machine plus many many more.
You will need
- Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls
- Scissors
- Contact Paper
- Simply wrap contact paper around an empty toilet paper roll
- Cut off any excess contact paper
- Squeeze your wraps cords and slide into your new cord wrap
Upcycled Toilet Paper Roll Seedling Pots
You will need
- Fiora Toilet Paper Rolls
- Scissors
- Planting soil
- Seeds
- Spray Bottle filled with Water
- Cut 4 slits into the bottom of each tube 1” up from the end and then criss crossed them like a box bottom
- Add planting soil into these tubes
- Press a few seeds into the dirt and cover the seeds up with a little more dirt, then spray with water
- Hold all of your tubes in an old cake pan and place near a window
- Create a ‘mini-greenhouse’ effect by covering the entire pan with clear plastic wrap with some holes in the top
- Every day, check the moisture of each toilet paper roll and add more water if necessary (Keep the soil moist, but not soggy)
- Once the seedlings germinate, remove the plastic wrap.
- Plant our seedlings (with their toilet paper rolls) in the flower bed once they are sprouted and the weather is the right condition.
- The cardboard from the toilet paper rolls will disintegrate into the soil.
Coborn’s, Inc. Graphic Designer
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